Saturday 24 December 2016

Test food post

Time Saving Beauty Tips7 Tips for Healthy Skin and 7 Warning Signs

Unless you are one of those people who sweat a lot a night or need to shower in order to feel refreshed in the morning, why not shower at night? This can save you loads of time in the morning and you might even be able to sleep in for an extra ten to thirty minutes! 10 Simple and Healthy Skin Tips Every Woman Can Use

2. Apply Your Deodorant Before You Go to Bed

Applying your deodorant the night before will not only save your time, but it will better hydrate your skin and provide you with better protection as the deodorant will have more time to set into your skin while you are sleeping. It can also help prevent that annoying and embarrassing white residue on your clean work clothes!

3. Organize Your Makeup

Taking a few minutes to organize your makeup is a huge time saver. Have all of your lipsticks, eye shadows, eyeliners, etc in their own separate, organized place (but in the same area) Also toss out any makeup that is old or that you no longer use. You will save loads of time by not having to dig through an unorganized makeup drawer, cabinet or bin. Another great makeup tip that can save you time is to apply your lip color on your commute, or right before you enter the office. This can be a huge time saver in itself and that way your lips will look shiny and fresh!

4. Chose an Easy Hairstyle

Thank God the 80’s are long over. You don’t want to spend hours fixing your hair in the morning. Choose a hairstyle that is simple and convenient. If you need to straighten or curl your hair, do so the night before. Or opt for an elegant ponytail or bun, as these are both easy and stylish. You want to maintain a professional look and simpler is better! 10 Simple and Healthy Skin Tips Every Woman Can Use

5. Choose Your Outfit the Night Before

As women, how many hours have we agonized over our outfits? Nowadays, with weather apps available on our digital devices, it is convenient to check the weather days beforehand, or at least the night before. Selecting your outfit the night before will save you a great deal of time and hassle in the morning!









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